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6th & 7th Grade Field Trip |
"Annie" at the Classic Center
Tuesday, March 18th
Cost: $50
Includes show ticket,
2 slices of pizza and a drink,
and transportation
To attend, fill out the embedded form or click here. Form and payment must be completed by Wednesday, January 29th.
Pizza dinner in OCMS Chorus Room @ 5:30pm
Buses Leave OCMS @ 6:15pm
Show time @ 7:30pm
Pickup at OCMS around 10:15pm
Parents drop off in OCMS bus lane (outside gym/chorus room) at 6:00pm.
For pickup, parents park in the OCMS football parking lot (next to gym) and walk to the buses to pick up your child.
Additional dropoff/pickup details will be sent out via email on the week before the event.
Admin reserves the right to revoke student's privilege to attend the field trip.
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